方瀛观点|以“咖啡罐投资组合” 策略持续创造优异投资回报
发布时间:2021-04-27 18:30:59 文章来源:壹点网
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2021年首季中国股市经历了过山车般大起大落的行情。作为一家从事股票长线投资(long only)的基金管理公司,方瀛的投研团队针对2021年第一季度股市市场表现及2021年股市展望进行了专业的分析,以期发掘由中国转型和增长所产生的全球长线投资机会。


受散户投资者疯狂入场影响,MSCI中国指数在头一个半月大涨20%。然而随着散户投资者在春节后获利了结,指数却在一季末平淡收场,微跌-0.4%。股票市场对于美国长期债券收益率上升、中国信贷增速放缓以及中美关系重燃战火亦给予了消极反馈。对于美国证券交易委员会(SEC)颁布的《外国公司问责法案》(Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act)修正案可能迫使中概股美国存托凭证(ADR)从美国市场强制退市的担忧更是在三月对股票市场所面临的困境火上浇油。Archegos Capital由于使用高杠杆并在几天内损失总计350亿美元而被强制追加保证金并最终被清算。它的爆仓再次重挫了众多之前大涨的中国公司股价。基于上述原因,中国科技股在首季度下跌近13%。

二、2021年中国股市展望——经济复苏带来股市的均值回归(Reversion to the Mean)



2)大宗商品价格上涨,通胀卷土重来,导致了今年周期性行业和大宗商品的股票出彩。新冠疫情后全球经济复苏的预期,带动周期性大宗商品在过去12个月中强势反弹。资本配置从风光了十多年的科技和消费成长股转向具有周期性的价值股。如下表所示,CRB大宗商品指数在过去12个月整体上涨了52%,其中原油涨幅最大,达到189%。总体来看,传统行业股票正在卷土重来。例如,MSCI中国能源指数(MSCI China Energy Index)在首季上涨了16%,而MSCI科技指数(MSCI Technology Index)却下跌了12.8%。





1. 何为“咖啡罐投资组合”(Coffee Can Portfolio)?

资本集团(Capital Group)已故投资大师科比(Robert Kirby)曾在1984年的《Journal of Portfolio Management》杂志中首度发表并介绍了“咖啡罐投资组合”的概念。“咖啡罐投资组合”是指一种“买入然后遗忘”的投资策略,即投资表现持续优异的公司,并持有十年以上。“咖啡罐”这一典故可以追溯到美国西部大开发(American Old West)时期,那个时候人们往往会把珍贵的财物放入咖啡罐中,再将咖啡罐藏到床下,保藏多年甚至几十年之久。“咖啡罐投资组合”由此而得名。


2. 咖啡罐故事对我们的启示?






3. “咖啡罐投资组合”理念是否适用于中国投资?




4. 具有中国特色的“咖啡罐投资组合”策略






1. 发现并投资了大量“咖啡罐”股票,平均持仓时间已有近五年


免责声明: 以上信息或资料绝非投资建议,仅供学习与交流。过往投资表现不代表未来投资回报。若有需求,可提供过往一年的投资建议清单。


2. 方瀛的换手率显着低于行业平均水平




3. “被动式的主动”(passively active)管理我们的“咖啡罐投资组合”





方瀛是一家从事股票长线投资(long only)的基金管理公司,专注于发掘由中国转型和增长所产生的全球长线投资机会。方瀛的投研团队均为行业专家,由资深中国基金经理丁晓方(Frank Ding)先生领衔,合共拥有超过60年海内外中国市场投资经验,每一位分析师和基金经理均拥有全球投资的知识和视野,又对中国经济和市场有深入的认知。在过去的二十六年里,丁晓方先生曾在全球三大顶级资产管理公司担任分析师和基金经理,历经七大资本市场周期的考验,持续创造优异投资回报。在2017和2018海外基金金牛奖的评选中,方瀛蝉联一年期多头策略类最佳“私募管理公司”和“基金经理”两项大奖,并在2019海外基金金牛奖的评选中获得三年期多头策略类最佳“私募管理公司”和“基金经理”两项大奖。方瀛连续三年荣膺亚洲专业财经杂志The Asset年度资产管理公司大奖。

重要提示:我们努力确保本文的资料来源即时可靠,但并未对文中内容或信息进行独立验证,故无法保证其准确性和完整性。 本文中的某些内容并不代表方瀛之观点。 本文绝非也不应该被视为投资建议,任何人依据本文及其所包含信息而做出的投资决定与本司完全无关,其本人需承担其决定之全部风险。本文并非也不应被视为方瀛之投资产品及其它产品或证券之推广材料,本文及其任何内容不应构成对任何证券或投资产品之要约、邀约、邀请或建议, 也不应被视为任何种类的投资服务。 未经本司同意,本文及其内容不得被复制及转载。版权所有© 2021方瀛研究与投资(香港)有限公司

Important notes and disclaimers

Performance disclosure: Performance returns are estimated pending the year-end audit. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Actual returns may differ from the returns presented. Each investor will receive individual returns from the administrator. The performance shown does not reflect the performance of any actual investor and the performance of investors holding different series of interests may vary due to, among other things, the applicable management fee and performance allocation percentages applicable to such investor’s series of interests, the timing of contributions and withdrawals, and the ability to participate in new issues. All performance returns provided are net of all fees and include reinvestment of all cash flows such as dividends and interest.

Tables, charts, and graphs: All tables, charts, and graphs are provided for illustrative purposes and should not be relied upon to formulate an investment decision. The materials are intended to illustrate to investors our investment process and do not constitute any investment recommendations. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

Benchmark disclosure: The MSCI Index (“INDEX”) is provided for illustrative purposes only, are unmanaged, reflect reinvestment of income and dividends and do not reflect the impact of advisory fees. The INDEX is a widely unmanaged index of market activity based on the aggregate performance of a selected portfolio of publicly traded common stocks and we have included the results of such index to merely give you a perspective of the historical performance of the equity market. Comparison of the Fund’s performance to benchmark returns has limitations because indexes have volatility and other material characteristics that may differ from the Fund. Furthermore, the Fund may hold substantially fewer positions than the INDEX and, in fact, certain or all of securities held by the INDEX may not be held by the Fund. Because of these differences, among others, the INDEX should not be relied upon as an accurate measure of comparison.

Holdings disclosure: The holdings described herein are presented to illustrate examples of the securities that the Fund has bought, the diversity of areas in which the Fund may invest and the Fund’s investment strategy and approach. They may not be representative of the Fund’s current or future investments, and the performance of these investments is not necessarily indicative of the performance of all investments made by the Fund. Fund holdings are as of the date given, are subject to change at any time and are not recommendations to buy or sell a security. Individual names discussed in this document are selected using objective and non-performance based criteria. A list of the recommendations made by us in the immediately preceding one year period will be presented upon due request.

Distribution: This document cannot be further distributed to other people unless you have obtained our written approval. The Fund has appointed ACOLIN Fund Services AG, succursale Genève, 6 cours de Rive, 1204 Geneva, Switzerland, as its Swiss Representative. Banque Heritage SA, 61 route de Chêne, CH-1208 Geneva, Switzerland is the Swiss Paying Agent. In Switzerland all shares and interests of the Fund shall be distributed exclusively to qualified investors. The Fund offering documents, articles of association and audited financial statements can be obtained free of charge from the Swiss Representative. The place of performance with respect to the shares distributed in or from Switzerland is the registered office of the Swiss Representative. In United Kingdom and Sweden, this document is for the use of professional clients/investors only.

The information herein does not constitute and should not be construed as an offer, solicitation, invitation, marketing, advertisement, inducement, or representation of any kind, nor as investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell, any securities, products or services. Access to the information herein is limited to investors who qualify as an Accredited Investor and Qualified Eligible Person under the U.S. federal securities laws, as a “professional investor” as defined in the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Ordinance (the “SFO”), and who are otherwise deemed to be sophisticated in financial matters and deemed capable of evaluating the investment strategy and risks of the relevant in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.




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